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Dr. Zelt Montreal Plastic Surgeon
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Your follow-up visits with Dr. Zelt

My office manager Natalie will help you arrange for regular visits with me in the postoperative period. These appointments allow us to review your healing and answer any questions you may. It is very important that you follow this schedule closely to ensure your recovery is uneventful and your return to work and play happens as soon as possible.

Visit #1 - 3 to 6 Days Following Your ProcedureGynecomastia Montreal

During your first postoperative visit you'll probably still be a little sore and stiff. I'll remove the dressings and ensure your breasts and incisions are healing as expected. You can begin shower normally.

For the next 4 weeks,

Good Things

  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Wash and shower normally.
  • Wear the compression garment as instructed - 24 hours a day for the first week then just during the day until your next visit with Dr. Zelt.
  • Remove any tapes that remain over the incision within two weeks of your surgery.
  • As the discomfort diminishes, begin a daily program of gentle massaging your chest area.

Bad Things

  • Avoid strenuous activities including sports and exercise programs that result in excessive breast movement.
  • Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid smoking for 4 weeks.

Visit #2 - 1 Month Postoperative

During the second visit I'll quickly examine your breasts to ensure healing is progressing as expected. By this time you'll be ready to return to your normal activities including strenuous activities and sports. Please begin slowly and progress weekly until your pretty much back to normal by 2 to 3 months postoperative.

For the next 3 to 4 months...

Good Things

  • Progress over a few weeks to your normal level of activity.
  • Massage your chest as much as possible. This helps your chest to heal as soft and natural as possible.

Bad Things

  • Avoid returning to "normal" too soon. This stresses your tissues which have been resting since the time of your surgery.
  • Ease you way back into your normal exercise and sporting activities.
  • Not massaging your chest can lead to persistent pain and discomfort.

Visit #3 - 4 to 6 Months Postoperative

By this time the majority of the healing has taken place with regards to the position and form of your chest. Steady improvements in your scars will take place for almost 2 years!

During this visit we will decide together if your goals have been met and it any revisions are required. If minor, they can be done under local anesthesia. More involved adjustments may require a light general anesthetic.

1 Year Postoperative

Under most circumstances, this will be our last visit. We'll ensure that our preoperative goals have been met and that you are satisfied with your result.

I very much encourage all my patients to return for regular visits at 1 to 2 year intervals to ensure proper healing determine if anything is out of order. Sometimes the early detection of a problem can lead to a more simple solution.

If you would like to learn more about the healing process please contact us to set up a consultation.